Buck taken using Smokin Hot Scents Fresh Doe in Estrous Urine
100% NATURAL 100% PURE

Buck taken using Smokin Hot Scents Fresh Doe in Estrous Urine
Newspaper article about our family owner scent company and deer farm. Click Here.

Smokin Hot Scents is an extension of our family deer farm located in Nevada, Ohio. We raise whitetail deer and interact with them daily. The Fresh deer scents you purchase from us come straight from the deer on our farm.
At Smokin Hot Scents our product is 100% Natural!
There are three factors that accelerate the decay of urine:
1. Oxygen - Oxygen will speed the growth of bacteria and the breakdown of our product. We make every effort to collect our product with the lowest levels of oxygen possible, package it in airtight containers, and store it in a cool and dark environment.
2. Sunlight - Sunlight will also speed up the process. We use amber colored bottles to reduce any sunlight penetration.
3. Temperature - High temperatures encourage the growth of bacteria. Refrigeration will help prevent the growth of bacteria and preserve the product in its original state ...Pure and no additives.
Most other deer scents companies sell warm products on the shelf at big box stores. You might ask, “How can they do this and keep the product pure and fresh like their packaging claims?” The answer is that they CAN’T without adding preservatives and compromising the product.
Fresh deer urine has proven to be an effective tool for whitetail hunters. It’s loaded with fresh pheromones and secretions that can only come from fresh urine. The smell of our product can easily be distinguished from the competitor’s product by a human nose. In many cases their product is months and years old!
Smokin Hot Scents is very effective at calming and attracting deer. This year, instead of buying old scent from the big box stores, buy Smokin Hot Scents 100% FRESH urine. GUARANTEED days old when shipped!!!
Our family deer farm is Wooded Acres Whitetails or www.woodedacreswhitetails.com
Smokin' Hot Scents delivers the Freshest Whitetail Deer Scents on the market!
If you have any questions give us a call at 419-561-0787.